Совместимость с версиями
- Предложит seo-текст, описание для ваших товаров.
- Может написать целую статью на заданную вами тему!
Добавление разметки позволит Google robots правильно интерпретировать данные и отображать концентрированную информацию о вашем сайте на странице поиска, что облегчит навигацию и понимание структуры активности ресурса потенциальными пользователями.
This payment gateway is the tool for handling payment information. Payment processing can be automated by having a secure vendor communicated with the payment gateway and ensuring seamless payment processing.
This magnificent add-on will help user of site to pay via Direcpay payment gateway, a leading payment gateway service in India.
Shiptor — все службы доставки и фулфилмент в одном окне.
Via CS-Cart Extended Catalog Mode, admin can operate the store in catalog mode for specific categories and for rest categories store operates in default operation mode.
Keep your website safe from attacks on registration forms.
google recaptcha will allow you to keep forms safe from any un necessary attempts
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to create promotion that will depend on number of diffrent products in basket.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
This addon Allows you to Update the Mass Orders Status in a single click.
The CS-Cart Multivendor Mobile App builder solves the needs of users by providing a appealing,complete mobile application at an affordable price. This splendid application will allow every size of business to flourish and expand in to mobile world.