Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features

Get product analogues, accessories based on rules and features
Last update: 17.02.2025 Supports current CS-Cart version
Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features

Add-on allows on the product page to configure the intelligent selection of accessories or similar products in a block based on the compliance of technical characteristics

The principles of operation of the "Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features" add-on:

Add-on is designed to automatically create collections of related products for the reference product based on the technical characteristics of their values for reference and related products (provides an intelligent approach, since the values of product characteristics are analyzed during selection, which makes the collections as logical and suitable for the client as possible)

What benefits you will have from "Intellectual selection of products in block (analogues, accessories) by features" add-on usage:

Add-on allows you to create links based on the Category - Category relations (for reference products from Category A, we select related products from Category B (or Category A to work in the mode of matching analogs to reference products). two modes:

  • without taking into account characteristics - in this case, all products from the reference category will be selected from related categories without any consideration of characteristics;
  • taking into account characteristics - in this case, the mechanism can select reference goods based on the specified characteristics and their values and select related goods for them with the specified characteristics and their values

For the mode Taking into account characteristics when selecting related goods for the operator Equal, a special variant of the characteristic value Equal to the variant of the reference product is available - in this case, the mechanism will select related goods according to the values of the characteristics of the reference product (the related products will have the same values of the characteristics as the reference one).

  • allows you to take into account the availability and prices of goods when calculating, managing the quantity in collections and sorting of goods;
  • adds a block (with separate settings) for the product page for displaying product selections, separated by tabs according to the corresponding links (for UniTheme2 - premium CS-Cart theme complex and YOUPI - premium theme for CS-Cart, the block is additionally displayed in more conversion places of the template without using layouts), when this tab name will be the name of the corresponding link;
  • allows you to display product recommendations based on the selection results in a pop-up window for confirming the addition of a reference product to the cart, as well as for the cart page to which the user has added a reference product;
  • uses a powerful system for preparing, updating and caching pick data (all picks are carried out in the background, recorded in the database and updated with the required frequency using CRON). Add-on will not create a load when displaying accessories for products, even with catalogs of several million products

Integration with other add-ons:

  • Antibot - blocks with product selections will only be displayed for real users. For all bots, they will be cut from the original html-code of the page
  • Extended "Buy together" - ability to use the type of combination of products AB: Selection of products, thanks to which you can use already prepared selections of products as accessories for more expensive products in your store
Compatibility with themes

Get a lot of new customers, get them to buy more, increase your profits in any economic environment! Use mechanics of the largest ecommerce market players together with ready-made solutions from the AB developers team!

  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Plus
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Compatible versions
  • 4.18.3
  • 4.18.2.SP1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.1.SP1
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.17.2.SP3
  • 4.17.2.SP2
  • 4.17.2.SP1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.15.1.SP4
  • 4.15.1.SP3
  • 4.15.1.SP2
  • 4.15.1.SP1
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.14.3
  • 4.14.2.SP1
  • 4.14.2
  • 4.14.1.SP1
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.13.3
  • 4.13.2.SP2
  • 4.13.2.SP1
  • 4.13.2
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.12.2
  • 4.12.1
  • 4.11.5
  • 4.11.4
  • 4.11.3
  • 4.11.2
  • 4.11.1
  • 4.10.4.SP1
  • 4.10.4
  • 4.10.3
  • 4.10.2
  • 4.10.1
  • 4.9.3
  • 4.9.2
  • 4.9.1
  • 4.8.2
  • 4.7.4
  • 4.6.3
  • 4.5.2
  • 4.4.3
  • 4.3.10
  • English
  • Украинский
  • Русский

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Alexbranding is an independent team of ready-made solutions for CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor

Contact information

Phone +380997371418

Alexbranding is an independent team of ready-made solutions for CS-Cart stores and Multi-Vendor based marketplaces. Our experience (in the ecommerce development market since 2008, for CS-Cart platform - since 2011) allows us to offer solutions that will save you months of development and thousands of dollars in budget. Themes and add-ons for CS-Cart from Alexbranding are installed and can be updated without the involvement of third-party developers directly by entrepreneurs (in a few clicks), owners of the online store.

All AB team solutions are designed to meet the latest design trends, adaptability across devices, technology, SEO and usability. We are constantly updating our modules and themes: for the entire time they are used, users receive several times more value than at the time of purchase. Ready-made solutions from Alexbranding are the most effective way to achieve technological readiness for work in ecommerce: your competitors will spend years of work and tens of thousands of dollars to achieve the same level of functionality.

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