Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Sorting goods by characteristic
No reviews
1774.62 Р
Allows you to sort products in a category according to the selected feature or article. Facilitates the search for the desired product and makes shopping more convenient for customers.
Product name from the specification
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4214.73 Р
Composes the name of the product from the selected characteristics
CS-Cart addon PWA
Progressive Web App
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2661.93 Р

This add-on allows to convert your store to mobile application with PWA technology

Image gallery for website and optimization of seller's images for Multi-Vendor MW ONE
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Image gallery for website and image optimization for CS-Cart MW ONE
No reviews

Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Logo in SVG
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Allows you to use the logo in SVG format on the site
Alladdine Icons
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1774.62 Р
The extension contains more than 1,000 built-in code fonts. We have collected various fonts that suit all tastes and meet different websites.
Hide products without images
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Turn off the visibility of a product without an image
Alladdine Extra Menu
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5767.52 Р
Main Menu.Add. Covers all needs. It gives you full control to customize the main menu.
Show brands associated with the product such as aliexpress.
Add labels to the main menu and icons.
Customizable phone list.
Alladdine Extra Grid
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4880.21 Р
Additional add-ons give you great flexibility to customize the front-end.
You just need some CSS skills.
Alladdine Live Search
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2661.93 Р
Fast and dynamic search results This add-on provides an enhanced search experience for your customers, helping them find what they need quickly and efficiently.
AI Assistant Chat GPT on admin panel
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5323.87 Р
8873.11 Р
Save 40%
  • Suggest seo text, descriptions for your products.
  • Can write an entire article on a topic you specify!
Hide From Bots
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4436.56 Р
The add-on helps you to reduce the load on the server by hiding from bots some blocks that are undesirable for indexing.
VK add-on clips to the product
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1508.43 Р

VK add-on clips to the product

Auto-upload reviews and questions from
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1597.16 Р
6211.18 Р
Save 74%

API integration add-on with marketplace . Auto-upload of reviews and questions.

Language and Currency by Geolocation
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4436.56 Р
Automatically switches language and currency of the storefront based on the user's IP address.
Advanced Profile Fields
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4436.56 Р
The add-on empowers standard profile and form fields, allowing the administrator to restrict or specify the use of certain symbols, numbers and characters in them. You will be able to add placeholders and tooltips. The add-on also adds a new field type that allows you to break fields into sections or give them titles.
Multilanguage editing
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1774.62 Р
  • Eliminates the conflict of editing different languages on different tabs.
Product information on hover
No reviews
1774.62 Р
Hides product information in the product grid and shows it when the cursor hovers
Hide specific products by languages
No reviews
1774.62 Р
  • Hide specific products by languages
  • Support bulk edit and import/export
International Phone Number
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6654.84 Р

An Add-on integrated with CS-Cart for entering and validating international telephone numbers with country code. It adds a (searchable) country drop-down to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder number, formats the number as you type, and provides comprehensive validation methods.

Default Images For Products in Different Categories
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2661.93 Р
Solve the problem of products without images. Allows you to upload its own image for each product category, which will be used for products for which this category is the main one, if the product does not have its own images loaded when it was created.
Made In Country
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6211.18 Р

The add-on function helps you list the products manufactured by the country with the flag of each country. You can also filter the results by country or the country that manufactures the products in a separate link on the customer interface.