Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Live search and Search history
5.0 (86)
7664.56 Р
10820.56 Р
Save 29%
  • Fast and convenient smart search.
  • Search history.
  • Flexible search settings.
Live Search
4.9 (46)
3381.42 Р
6762.85 Р
Save 50%
The fastest and the most feature-rich search a free-of-a-monthly-fee alternative to cloud search services.
Mega Menu
4.9 (18)
5410.28 Р
Adds new functionality in the standard menu. With display similar to Amazon.
Checkout optimisation
5.0 (14)
4860.23 Р
Improve your order placement: remove notification "Email already used", auto registration for customers.
Extended Email marketing
5.0 (13)
9017.13 Р
All features for successful email-marketing. Abandoned cart, wishlist, viewed products reminders, event notifications, products review requests. 
Login and registration by SMS / OTP code
5.0 (11)
4508.57 Р
6645.63 Р
Save 32%
Highly customizable addon for login by OTP code
Product Image Effects (Change images on hover)
5.0 (10)
1803.43 Р
Adds beautiful effects to images in the list of products and other options for their display
Power Labels
5.0 (9)
4508.57 Р
Text and image labels that can be assigned to products or categories manually or automatically via the conditions constructor.
Abandoned cart recovery PRO by Email / SMS
5.0 (9)
4508.57 Р
6645.63 Р
Save 32%
Automatically track & list all abandoned carts & abandoned checkouts with abandonment protector (cart reminder) & order recovery system
Product stickers (text and graphic)
5.0 (9)
4508.57 Р
5410.28 Р
Save 17%
Unlimited possibilities for automatic customization of stickers. Support for any image formats.
Reviews with videos, Q/A
5.0 (8)
6645.63 Р
Addon adds ability to attach photos to products reviews and make product page much more selling.
Virtual categories
5.0 (8)
6311.99 Р
Build a chain of conditions. Link products to categories. Virtual or physical linking.
Additional object fields (extra tabs)
5.0 (6)
4508.57 Р
  • Add fields for different objects.
  • Fill in more information.
Full Google Ecommerce GA4
5.0 (6)
4508.57 Р
6582.51 Р
Save 32%
The most complete and deepest integration with Google's store analytics service.
Power Pop-up Notifications
5.0 (5)
4508.57 Р
Fully customizable notifications to inform the customer or keep him on the site. Ability to limit the audience, impression statistics.
Real Time notifications add-on
5.0 (5)
4508.57 Р
Notifications without page reloading. Beep and blinking browser tab title.
FAQ addon (questions and answers)
5.0 (5)
4508.57 Р
Add questions and answers, group them. Place a block with questions and answers on any page of the site. Customize the look.
Extended Banners
5.0 (5)
3606.85 Р
adds new options to standard banners
Side Promo Banner
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
Adds a side banner to announce promotions and other useful information
Lazy Load for Images and Blocks
5.0 (4)
4508.57 Р
The images and blocks you select will load as you scroll the page. This will have a positive effect on loading speed.
Sticky Add To Cart
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
Adds the buy button to the product detail page when the page is scrolled
Product Video
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
adds a video to the detailed product page.
Poptin: Pop Ups & Contact Us Forms
5.0 (4)

Easily create engaging website pop ups and forms and start converting more visitors into customers, leads and subscribers

Apply discount on product page
5.0 (4)
6645.63 Р
The module allows you to quickly increase the conversion rate in the product card and legally circumvent the restrictions of vendors on RRP.
Phone mask PRO
5.0 (4)
4959.42 Р
Most use-full phone mask addon
Message Center With Attachment
5.0 (4)
4418.39 Р
5410.28 Р
Save 18%
Enhance communication in CS-Cart with attachment sharing. Seamlessly exchange images and documents between customers, vendors, and admin.
Smartarget Whatsapp - Contact Us
5.0 (3)

Allow customers to contact you using Whatsapp

Cart Panel
5.0 (3)
1803.43 Р
shows all products added to the cart on the desktop version of the store.
Instagram stories for your store
5.0 (3)
6844.00 Р
Add beautiful stories to your store!
TikTok pixel
5.0 (3)
6762.85 Р
Smart Image Cropper
5.0 (2)
4508.57 Р
Bring images in an online store to one standard automatically or manually, using a friendly editor.