Price  $
Compatibility versions
Developer  (1)
Development type
Features And Filters With Icons
5.0 (1)
Add images to filters, product features and product feature variants. These images can be used for visualization in the filter block, on product cards in the catalog, or on the product page.
Import from Etsy
5.0 (1)
Import the general information about products from your store on to the CS-Cart store.
Parameter (Options) Variants Table
5.0 (1)
Displaying a table with all variants of a specific option (parameter) in an additional tab or pop-up window on the product page.
Discounted Products Page
5.0 (1)
Save 17%
Displays discounted products in a separate category and automatically updates them.
Additional Option Images
5.0 (1)
Add an unlimited number of images for each product option.
Natural and Legal Entities
5.0 (1)
Ability to create new groups for users, the registration of which will require entering various personal data depending on the selected group.
Custom Stock Statuses
5.0 (1)
Allows you to create availability statuses for products from the store catalog. The add-on works in two modes: basic and advanced one.
Google Enhanced Ecommerce (GA4)
5.0 (1)
Additional options to configure analytics. Tracking user actions in an online store with the ability to create your own custom events.
Google Product Ratings and Customer Reviews
5.0 (1)
Collect customers' reviews about your online store for Google Merchant program.
Address Autocomplete
5.0 (1)
The checkout process and registration for users and vendors will become easier with the address autocomplete feature.
Product Questions
5.0 (1)
Additional customizable question and answer section on the product page with the ability to search by its content.
Extended Wish List
5.0 (1)
All users can add products to the wish list, group these products and attach notes to them, send the wish list by the email. One click by the administrator and the registered user will get an email reminder about the products that interested him.
Search by Features Block
5.0 (1)
Special block for searching products by features. Adjustable set of features for product search. Ability to use step-by-step filters.
Phone Registration
5.0 (1)
Registration and authorization on the site using the user’s mobile phone number.
Extended Catalog and Menus
5.0 (1)
Improve the site navigation via new catalog and menus pages. You can configure their content in the add-on settings or using the special live editing mode.
Roistat Integration: Business Analytics
5.0 (1)
Control of traffic channels and corresponding expenses in integraion with Roistat.