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Allows the administrator to answer questions and user comments, and notify response.

Display a list of categories, to which there are products from the brand page.

The module calculates the popularity of categories based on the popularity of products and displays it in a block on the product page or any other

Paymentsense add-on for CS-Cart, allowing you to take payments via Paymentsense

Vipps is a popular Norwegian payment and identity service. Vipps was designed as a mobile application. Several millions of people use this payment. Alt-team created a CS-Cart payment add-on for Vipps service.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Contact us for price and availability of the add-on

Control the work of administrators.

This module shows number of items in cart for each product under the 'Add to cart' button

CS Cart payment gateway – the best solution for NZBanks, WeChatPay, Alipay, MoneyMore etc.