Price  $
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Developer  (1)
Development type
Multiple Facebook Pixels
5.0 (1)

Track user actions in your store and run multiple Facebook and Instagram ads campaign more effectively.
SMS Notifications
5.0 (1)
Your clients will automatically receive SMS on order status change and product shipping. You can also send SMS manually right from the admin panel.
Recurring Subscriptions
5.0 (1)
The client saves time on checking out the same order, and a store gets a loyal customer, which helps planning product stock.
Dynamic Categories
5.0 (1)
Simplify the search for the most interesting offers for the client and minimize the work of the vendor in creating them.
Product Packages
5.0 (1)
Increase the average check in your online store, sell compatible products and services by packages and sets.
SEO for Filters
5.0 (1)
Gain a competitive advantage and improve SEO by promoting pages with non-frequent requests in search engines.
Extended Sitemap XML
5.0 (1)
Create the best version of your sitemap and get the first lines in the search results.
Extended Admin Tools
5.0 (1)
Provides enhanced administrator capabilities in the control panel. It adds the ability to search through the standard log by the order number, user ID, product ID, product name, category name, category ID. Adds a search by the feature option by its name and order search by the promotion or promo code applied to it.
Preload Prefetch Preconnect For Resources
5.0 (1)
Preload fonts and other resources that are late detected by the browser when loading store pages. You can configure the order in which such resources are loaded and get additional points in Google PageSpeed.
Ajax Mega Menu
No reviews

Allows you to optimize the work of your site and make it more attractive. Now the menu items are downloaded, only when you put a cursor on it.
Call Request
No reviews
You will get a call request button, that will be shown on the product detailed page and can be placed anywhere on the storefront.
Forbidden Goods
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Hide certain products or product categories from certain users or user groups.