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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows restricting ability of customer's order placing, if their order does not contain a sufficient amount of certain products.
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Extension to Multi-Vendor allows blocking vendor's access to customer data.
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Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating promotion which gives customer all shipping methods for free.
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Extension to Multi-Vendor allows quick creation of promotions, to be used by vendors.
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Extension to Multi-Vendor allows sorting list of vendors in store by amount of products.
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Extension to Multi-Vendor allows exporting information about vendors products to CSV file.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating promotions dependent on product list price.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating promotions active only in certain days of week.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows simplifying interface of promotions by removing some conditions and bonuses from it.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor adds payment method PayNow to your store.
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Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount.

Extension to Multi-Vendor allows setting up limits of payouts, which vendor can make through built-in accounting system.
If you're looking to buy this add-on as one time purchase or take a look into add-on reviews, they are available here: One-time purchase add-on
See the full list of our subscription-based add-ons: Full list of subscription add-ons

Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows assigning merchant e-mails to customers. Merchant receives all notifications about orders placed by customer.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows marking products in orders as reserved.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows discounting products depending on their stock in store.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to connect your store with payment system Conekta.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor expands shipments by possibility of adding waybill numbers with links for each carrier.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows discounting products from selected group, and configuring conditions dependent on this group.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows dynamic generation of content on pages.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
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Дополнение к CS-Cart и Multi-Vendor позволяет предоставлять скидки на товары определенной категории.
Аддон доступен в следующих языковых версиях: польском, английском, немецком, греческом, румынском, испанском, итальянском, русском и китайском.
Если вы хотите купить это дополнение в форме подписки, оно доступно здесь: Дополнение к подписке
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to set product features on categories.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to create promotion that adds products to cart, according to the customer's order.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to optimize filters. When customer chooses filter, inactive options of other filters are hidden.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to connect your store with internet payments system. PayU offers wide range of methods that cover almost 100% of polish online payments. Except basic channels of payments, like online transfers and credit cards, PayU enables payments via PayPal.
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Ознакомьтесь с полным списком дополнений, доступных по подписке: Полный список дополнений подписки

Аддон к CS-Cart и Multi-Vendor позволяет блокировать продавцам (в версии Multi-Vendor) и администраторам витрин (в версии Ultimate) доступ к определенным частям панели. Таким образом, вы можете, например, заблокировать доступ к функциям продукта или упростить управление, скрыв неиспользуемые вкладки.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating access rules to store RESTAPI.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows customers signing for special re-order notifications, which allow quickly place order again.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows cloning products and all its variants with one click.
If you're looking to buy this add-on as one time purchase or take a look into add-on reviews, they are available here: One-time purchase add-on
See the full list of our subscription-based add-ons: Full list of subscription add-ons
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Make purchases for 300$ from our entire offer and get 30% discount

Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows to change interaction between quantity discounts and catalog promotions.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows assigning statuses separately to each product in order. It is also possible to track from which warehouse each unit of product was taken.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows quick filling cart using files in CSV and XML formats.
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Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount.

Extension to Multi-Vendor allows setting vendor permissions to certain parts of main menu. This way, vendor can be restricted to not be able to add new product options, modify customer data, and a lot more.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to enter product price in diffrent currencies.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to set up measures of selling products.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows setting up different weight of product for each shipping. This allows you to differ shipping costs based on weight much more easier.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows integrating store with quick credit card payment system CardConnect.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows configuring individual order history for each customer.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
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Расширение для CS-Cart и Multi-Vendor позволяет создавать отчеты о продажах по категориям, продуктам или клиентам в формате CSV.
Если вы хотите купить это дополнение в форме подписки, доступно ли оно здесь?: Дополнение к подписке
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Совершите покупки на 200$ из всего нашего предложения и получите скидку 20%

Addon also availlable in subscription form.
The addon is available in the following 12 language versions: Czech(cs_CZ), German(de_DE), Greek(el_GR), English(en_US), Spanish(es_ES), French(fr_FR), Italian(it_IT), Japanese(ja_JP), Polish(pl_PL), Romanian(ro_RO), Russian(ru_RU), Chinese Simplified(zh_CN)
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The addon is available in the following 12 language versions: Czech(cs_CZ), German(de_DE), Greek(el_GR), English(en_US), Spanish(es_ES), French(fr_FR), Italian(it_IT), Japanese(ja_JP), Polish(pl_PL), Romanian(ro_RO), Russian(ru_RU), Chinese Simplified(zh_CN)
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The addon is available in the following 12 language versions: Czech(cs_CZ), German(de_DE), Greek(el_GR), English(en_US), Spanish(es_ES), French(fr_FR), Italian(it_IT), Japanese(ja_JP), Polish(pl_PL), Romanian(ro_RO), Russian(ru_RU), Chinese Simplified(zh_CN)
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Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows integrating store with credit card payment service Omise.
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